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Manufacturer’s Limited Warranty
TinTin Agency provides a manufacturer’s warranty, which provides for repairs up to the replacement of the product for only the cost of shipping in the event of defects in the materials or workmanship of the HairBoom Air for 1 year from the date of purchase. This Limited Warranty is void if the product has been damaged through no fault of the manufacturer, altered in any way, or used in a manner other than as directed. 

Limited Warranty/Disclaimer of Liability
Although TinTin Agency may provide descriptions of various products it offers for purchase, it does not guarantee the usability or functionality of any feature of any product at any given time except in strict accordance with the Satisfaction Guarantee Policy, nor does it guarantee the accuracy of those product descriptions.
HairBoom Air has a rechargeable battery. Like any other rechargeable battery, it should be used in strict accordance with the instructions and even when used properly may pose a fire hazard. The product has an automatic shut off feature, but you should never use the product for longer than instructed and you should not use the product while sleeping or inattentive. Neither TinTin Agency nor WONTECH Co., Ltd. is responsible for any injuries you may incur from using the HairBoom Air Device.

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